Director, Court Administration Office
- Executive Management
- Legal Support
- Strategic Planning and Performance Management
Executive Management
The Director, Court Administration Office has responsibility for the overall leadership and strategic direction and management of the CAD.
Legal Support
Legal support provides corporate legal advice.
Human Resource Management and Administration Division
Effectively and judiciously administer the provisions of the Staff Orders and Regulations governing the Public Service.
The Human Resource Management and Administration Division is comprised of two departments- the Human Resource Management and the Administration Department.
Human Resource Management deals with:
- Training
- Employee Welfare
- Performance Management
Administration deals with:
- Procurement
- Office Services
- Transport Management
- Recruit, train and develop competent personnel to carry out the mandates of the Court Administration Division and the Courts.
- Ensure that the Court Administration Division and the Courts’ records are organized, secure and accessible; providing accurate and current record keeping.
- Provide a clean, comfortable and safe office environment for internal and external customers.
- Ensure an efficient, safe and comfortable transport system for the Court Administration Division and the Courts
- Provide an efficient and consistent system for the delivery of services to both external and internal customers
Functions carried out by the department
- Capacity Building
- Staff Training & Development
- Management of Staff Performance
- Staff Welfare
- Mail and Correspondence Management
- Procurement and Office Services
- Inventory Management
- Transportation Management
Information Communication & Technology (ICT)
The ICT Unit has responsibility for the administration, implementation and support of all Information and Communication Technology throughout the Courts and CAD.
To research, assess and implement robust, secure and efficient information systems; which will optimize all the Courts, and CAD in achieving its strategic goals.
To be the driving force of all operations of the Courts and CAD; through the application of contemporary technological solutions.
The following statements articulate the strategic objectives of the Information Communication and Technology Department.
- Enhance and strengthens ICT infrastructure throughout the Court System
- Enhance the reporting capability of the Court Administration Division by automating the business processes of the Courts
- Implement Information Systems that allows the Court Administration Division and the Courts to store, access, and disseminate information more efficiently, thus increasing productivity
- Implement robust security systems that will ensure data integrity and security
- Develop, implement, monitor, and evaluate ICT Policies that govern the use of ICT resources
- Provide continuous support and training for all ICT resources
Finance and Accounts Division
To secure adequate funding for the Court Administration Division and the Courts to support their strategic objectives.
There are four functional areas within the Unit. These are:
- The Salaries Section, headed by a supervisor and three staff members, is responsible for ensuring that the fortnightly and monthly salaries for members of staff are paid on time and correctly. They prepare salary letters for refunds from statutory bodies and also perform the requested salary deductions and funds remittance to entities indicated by staff.
- The Payments Section is the hub of the department. All bills of estimate are processed for payment along with staff motor vehicle upkeep, mileage payments, subsistence, petty cash reimbursements and other reimbursable.
- The main Accounts Section prepares monthly and annual expenditure statements to be sent to the Ministry of Finance and also to the Auditor General’s Department. Monthly statements are also sent to Unit and Departmental heads.
- The Budget and Commitment Section collates the annual budget for the thirteen heads of estimate which fall under the purview of the Ministry of Justice.
The Unit is governed by the Financial Administration and Audit Act (FAA) which guides what are called permissible accounting practices. The Government’s Procurement Guidelines are also used to determine that proper procurement procedures have been followed. The Government’s Staff Orders are also used to determine the allowances and payments permitted in special circumstances.
Internal Audit
Internal audit, as defined by the Institute of Internal Auditors, is an independent, objective, assurance and consulting activity designed to add value and improve an organizations operations. It helps the organization accomplish its objectives by bringing a systematic, disciplined approach to evaluate and improve effectiveness of risk management, control and governance processes.
The mission of internal audit is to ensure that the Court Administration Division operations are conducted according to the highest standards by providing an independent, objective assurance function and by advising on best practice. Through a systematic approach, Internal Audit helps the Court Administration Division accomplish its objectives by evaluating and improving the effectiveness of risk management, control and governance processes.
The scope of internal audit work includes the review of risk management procedures, internal control systems, and governance processes. This work also involves periodic testing of transactions, special investigations, and measures to help prevent and detect fraud.
To fulfill its responsibilities, Internal Audit shall:
- Identify and assess potential risks to the Court Administration Division operations.
- Review the adequacy of controls established to ensure compliance with policies, plans, procedures and objectives.
- Assess the reliability and security of financial records and other management information and the systems and operations that produce this information.
- Assess the means of safeguarding assets.
- Review established procedures and systems and propose improvements.
- Appraise the use of resources with regard to economy efficiency and effectiveness.
- Follow up recommendations to make sure that effective remedial action is taken.
- Carry out ad hoc appraisals investigations, or reviews requested by Management.
Results of internal audit assurance and consulting services are properly communicated to the appropriate management or operating personnel in the form of written reports, consultation, and advice or through other appropriate means. Written reports include management comments itemizing specifications taken or planned to mitigate identified risks and to ensure that operational objectives are achieved.
Buildings and Property Management Services
Has responsibility for maintenance, improvement projects and repairs of existing Court Buildings and infrastructure. New Buildings currently remain with the MOJ.
Client Services Communications & Information
- Customer Service
- Communications
- Protocol
- Access to Information
This division has responsibility for customer complaints and monitor-ing, media requests and issues, public education, placement of advertisements in the press, corporate communication to external publics, corporate commu-nication internally (this does not include information on HR issues), coordination of corporate events with external publics, handling protocol on behalf of the Judiciary. Also handles Access to Information requests.
Court Support Services
Has responsibility for accommodation and subsistence bookings and payments for Circuit Court etc. Provides support to Administration in procuring goods and services for the Courts and also oversees improvement projects in the Courts as assigned by the Director, Court Administration.